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Analizam organizatia, nevoile de training si competentele necesare atingerii obiectivelor dorite


Currently virtual, soon hybrid - we just call them "live" sessions from anywhere because what makes them different is not the online vs. offline difference, but that they are 100% interactive, experiential and practical. Even in a virtual setting, we guarantee "no silent riders".


Learn ON empowers you to learn on the go. It is an intuitive tool 100% tailored to your learning style (you discover it with the magical OST formula of the 3 learning styles: On-the-Job, Social, Theoretical), your interests (you create your individual learning path), your team (you will be part of a learning community with your peers).


In bite-sized format, you get practical know-how (complex concepts made simple, series of 2-7 minutes videos with expert trainers), tools (that you cannot just find googling) and self-reflection exercises, so that you do not just listen, but have an engaging learning experience.

What we liked the most was the openness towards customization so that the learning program could answer the real needs we identified in our business context.

MIhaela Berechet,

Director of Talent Management, Optymyze

How about creating an unique
learning experience that hooks learners?

The OmniLearning Experience

Learning Architect OmniLearning
Our team
Each organization is unique. There is no group like another. Thus, we carefully analyze our client's organization, group culture and learning needs, we are building customized training programs that fit current needs and we are consolidating new habits with every learning journey we create.

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